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PatternsInputs & FormsSelection Input

Selection Input

(Also called dropdown, select)


A selection input is a form control that allows users to choose one option from a predefined list of options.

The selected option is typically displayed in a single-line text field, with the list of options hidden until the user interacts with the control.

Use Cases

When to use:

  • When users need to select a single option from a list of predefined choices
  • When the list of options is relatively short (less than 10-15 items)
  • When screen space is limited, and displaying all options at once is not feasible
  • When the selected option doesn’t need to be visible at all times

When not to use:

  • When users need to select multiple options (use checkboxes or a multi-select instead)
  • When the list of options is very long (consider using an autocomplete or a typeahead)
  • When users need to input free-form text (use a regular text input instead)
  • When the options are complex or require additional information or visual aids

Common scenarios and examples

  • Selecting a country from a list of all countries
  • Choosing a preferred language from a list of supported languages
  • Selecting a payment method during checkout
  • Choosing a size, color, or other product variant on an e-commerce site


  • Saves screen space by hiding options until needed
  • Provides a clear and concise way to select from predefined options
  • Prevents user input errors by limiting choices to valid options
  • Allows for easy selection using a mouse, keyboard, or touch input


Component Structure

  1. Container

    • Wraps the selection input and its associated elements
    • Defines the overall dimensions and positioning of the component
  2. Text Field

    • Displays the currently selected option
    • Acts as a button to trigger the dropdown list
    • Often includes a caret or arrow icon to indicate the presence of a dropdown
  3. Dropdown List

    • Contains the list of available options
    • Appears when the text field is clicked or receives focus
    • Can be positioned above or below the text field, depending on available space
  4. Options

    • Individual items within the dropdown list
    • Represent the available choices for the user
    • Should have a clear and concise label
    • Can include icons, images, or other visual aids if necessary
  5. Scrollbar (Optional)

    • Allows users to scroll through the list of options if the list is too long to fit within the available space
    • Can be styled to match the overall design of the component

Best Practices


Do’s ✅

  • Use clear and concise labels for each option
  • Keep the list of options relatively short (less than 10-15 items)
  • Order options logically (e.g., alphabetically, by popularity, or by relevance)
  • Provide a default or pre-selected option when applicable

Don’ts ❌

  • Don’t use overly long or complex option labels
  • Avoid using jargon or technical terms that users may not understand
  • Don’t include options that are not relevant or applicable to the user’s context


Do’s ✅

  • Ensure the selection input is keyboard accessible (arrow keys to navigate, Enter to select)
  • Provide a clear focus state for the text field and individual options
  • Use ARIA attributes to communicate the component’s state and purpose
  • Allow users to filter or search the list of options if the list is long

Don’ts ❌

  • Don’t rely solely on color to convey the state or purpose of the component
  • Avoid using auto-selection or auto-submission when an option is highlighted
  • Don’t change the order or content of options unexpectedly

Visual Design

Do’s ✅

  • Use a consistent visual style for the text field, dropdown list, and options
  • Provide ample whitespace and padding to improve readability and usability
  • Use a contrasting color or style to indicate the selected option
  • Ensure the dropdown list is visually distinct from the text field

Don’ts ❌

  • Don’t use low-contrast colors or small font sizes that reduce legibility
  • Avoid using overly complex or decorative styles that distract from the content
  • Don’t make the dropdown list too narrow or too wide relative to the text field

Layout & Positioning

Do’s ✅

  • Position the dropdown list close to the text field for easy association
  • Ensure the dropdown list doesn’t obstruct other important content or UI elements
  • Align the text field and dropdown list with other form controls for a cohesive layout

Don’ts ❌

  • Don’t place the dropdown list too far away from the text field
  • Avoid positioning the dropdown list in a way that requires excessive scrolling or mouse movement

Code Examples

Basic Implementation

<label for="fruits">Choose a fruit:</label> <select id="fruits" name="fruits"> <option value="apple">Apple</option> <option value="banana">Banana</option> <option value="orange">Orange</option> <option value="strawberry">Strawberry</option> </select>

Browser Support

Since v1
Since v1
Since v1


Since v1
Since v1
Up to 4


Since v1
Since v1
Up to 4


Since v1
Since v1
Since v1

Design Tokens

These design tokens follow the Design Tokens Format specification and can be used with various token transformation tools to generate platform-specific variables.

Selection Input Tokens in DTF Format

{ "$schema": "", "selectionInput": { "container": { "minWidth": { "value": "200px", "type": "dimension" } }, "textField": { "padding": { "vertical": { "value": "0.5rem", "type": "dimension" }, "horizontal": { "value": "1rem", "type": "dimension" } }, "border": { "width": { "value": "1px", "type": "dimension" }, "color": { "value": "{color.gray.300}", "type": "color" }, "radius": { "value": "0.25rem", "type": "dimension" } }, "background": { "color": { "value": "{color.white}", "type": "color" } }, "typography": { "fontSize": { "value": "1rem", "type": "dimension" }, "lineHeight": { "value": "1.5", "type": "number" } }, "color": { "default": { "value": "{color.gray.900}", "type": "color" }, "disabled": { "value": "{color.gray.500}", "type": "color" } }, "icon": { "size": { "value": "1.5rem", "type": "dimension" }, "color": { "value": "{color.gray.500}", "type": "color" } } }, "dropdownList": { "maxHeight": { "value": "300px", "type": "dimension" }, "border": { "width": { "value": "1px", "type": "dimension" }, "color": { "value": "{color.gray.300}", "type": "color" } }, "background": { "color": { "value": "{color.white}", "type": "color" } }, "shadow": { "offsetX": { "value": "0", "type": "dimension" }, "offsetY": { "value": "2px", "type": "dimension" }, "blurRadius": { "value": "4px", "type": "dimension" }, "color": { "value": "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)", "type": "color" } } }, "option": { "padding": { "vertical": { "value": "0.5rem", "type": "dimension" }, "horizontal": { "value": "1rem", "type": "dimension" } }, "color": { "default": { "value": "{color.gray.700}", "type": "color" }, "hover": { "value": "{color.gray.900}", "type": "color" }, "selected": { "value": "{color.primary.600}", "type": "color" } }, "background": { "default": { "value": "{color.white}", "type": "color" }, "hover": { "value": "{color.gray.100}", "type": "color" }, "selected": { "value": "{color.primary.50}", "type": "color" } } } } }




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