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PatternsInputs & FormsAutocomplete


(Also called Autosuggest)

Example of autocomplete pattern


The autocomplete is an interactive input component that helps users quickly find and select values from a predefined list of options as they type.

They combine the flexibility of text input with dropdown-style selection, providing suggestions that match the user’s input in real-time. This pattern reduces errors, speeds up data entry, and improves the overall form completion experience.

Build Effort


Requires live filtering, real-time suggestion updates, keyboard navigation, and screen reader compatibility using ARIA attributes.

Use Cases

When to use:

  • When users need to select from a large set of predefined options (e.g., country selection, airport codes)
  • When you want to help users find and select options more quickly than scrolling through a long dropdown
  • When you want to reduce errors by guiding users to valid input options
  • When the input has a finite set of valid responses that are known in advance
  • When you want to combine free text input with suggestion functionality

When not to use:

  • When there are fewer than 10 options (use a standard dropdown/select instead)
  • When users need to enter completely free-form text without restrictions
  • When all options need to be visible at once for comparison
  • When network latency could significantly delay suggestion results
  • When the input field requires exact, verbatim text entry (like passwords)

Common scenarios and examples

  • Searching for products in an e-commerce catalog
  • Entering city names for travel or weather applications
  • Looking up user or contact names in a messaging or collaboration tool


  • Speeds up data entry by narrowing down possible options in real-time
  • Reduces user frustration and guesswork by guiding them to valid options
  • Minimizes mistakes and typos, as suggestions can be confirmed or chosen from a list


  • Accessibility challenges – Requires proper ARIA attributes (aria-expanded, aria-controls, aria-activedescendant) for screen readers.
  • Keyboard navigation complexity – Users must be able to navigate the suggestions using arrow keys and select options with Enter.
  • Performance issues – Fetching suggestions dynamically can introduce lag if not optimized with debouncing and caching.
  • Overwhelming for users – Too many suggestions or unclear results can create cognitive overload.
  • Implementation effort – Requires handling both filtering logic and managing suggestion visibility correctly.


Component Structure

  1. Container
  • Wraps the entire autocomplete area, including the input and dropdown
  • Handles positioning, sizing, and possible floating layers for the suggestions
  1. Input
  • The text field where users type their query
  • Provides real-time updates and triggers suggestion fetching
  1. Label
  • Optional text label describing the input’s purpose
  • Provides clarity for screen readers and visible context for users
  1. Clear Button
  • Allows users to quickly clear the input field
  • Often represented by an “X” or ”✕” icon

Best Practices


Do’s ✅

  • Provide a descriptive label that indicates the purpose of the Autocomplete field
  • Use placeholder text to show example input (e.g., “Start typing a country…”)

Don’ts ❌

  • Don’t rely on placeholder text as a replacement for a label
  • Don’t make your suggestions so vague that it’s unclear what the user is selecting


Do’s ✅

  • Use aria-controls, aria-autocomplete, and other relevant ARIA attributes to help screen readers
  • Include a visually hidden label or descriptive text if you rely on an icon-only clear button
  • Add a debounce delay to the input field to avoid triggering a fetch request too often

Don’ts ❌

  • Don’t remove focus outlines without providing alternative focus indicators
  • Don’t assume all users can use a mouse; ensure keyboard navigation works properly

Visual Design

Do’s ✅

  • Keep the suggestion list clearly delineated, with sufficient contrast and spacing
  • Highlight hovered or focused suggestion items with a distinct visual state

Don’ts ❌

  • Don’t display an overly large list of suggestions (limit it to a reasonable number), use a scroll bar to allow users to scroll through the list.
  • Don’t create a cluttered or confusing interface by mixing too many design elements

Layout & Positioning

Do’s ✅

  • Position the dropdown list immediately below the input field
  • Ensure suggestions list appears in front of other page elements when open

Don’ts ❌

  • Don’t hide the list behind overlays or modals
  • Don’t move the dropdown to a completely different area away from the input

Code Examples

Basic Implementation

<!-- Basic Autocomplete Markup --> <div> <label for="autocompleteInput">Search for an option</label> <input type="text" id="autocompleteInput" name="autocompleteInput" aria-autocomplete="list" aria-controls="suggestions-list" autocomplete="off" placeholder="Type to search..." /> <button type="button" aria-label="Clear input">✕</button> <ul id="suggestions-list" role="listbox"> <!-- Dynamically generated suggestions go here --> </ul> </div>

Design Tokens

These design tokens follow the Design Tokens Format specification and can be used with various token transformation tools to generate platform-specific variables.

Autocomplete Tokens in DTF Format

{ "$schema": "", "Autocomplete": { "container": { "borderRadius": { "value": "0.25rem", "type": "dimension" }, "background": { "value": "{color.white}", "type": "color" } }, "input": { "fontSize": { "value": "1rem", "type": "dimension" }, "padding": { "value": "0.5rem", "type": "dimension" } }, "suggestionsList": { "maxHeight": { "value": "200px", "type": "dimension" }, "background": { "value": "{color.gray.50}", "type": "color" }, "itemHoverBg": { "value": "{color.gray.100}", "type": "color" } } } }

Frequently Asked Questions

What is autocomplete in web design?

Autocomplete is a user interface feature that predicts and displays suggestions as a user types into an input field, helping them complete their input more efficiently.

When should I use autocomplete?

Autocomplete is beneficial when users need to input data that can be predicted or matched from a known set of options, such as search queries, addresses, or product names.

How can I make an autocomplete feature accessible?

Ensure the input field is focusable and supports keyboard navigation. Use ARIA roles and properties like aria-autocomplete and aria-expanded to convey the state to assistive technologies.

What are the benefits of using autocomplete?

Autocomplete enhances user experience by reducing typing effort, minimizing errors, and providing faster access to relevant information.

What are common mistakes to avoid when implementing autocomplete?

Avoid overwhelming users with too many suggestions, neglecting accessibility considerations, and providing irrelevant or poorly ranked suggestions.




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