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PatternsInputs & FormsAutocomplete


(Also called Autosuggest)


The autocomplete is an interactive input component that helps users quickly find and select values from a predefined list of options as they type.

They combine the flexibility of text input with dropdown-style selection, providing suggestions that match the user’s input in real-time. This pattern reduces errors, speeds up data entry, and improves the overall form completion experience.

Use Cases

When to use:

  • When users need to select from a large set of predefined options (e.g., country selection, airport codes)
  • When you want to help users find and select options more quickly than scrolling through a long dropdown
  • When you want to reduce errors by guiding users to valid input options
  • When the input has a finite set of valid responses that are known in advance
  • When you want to combine free text input with suggestion functionality

When not to use:

  • When there are fewer than 10 options (use a standard dropdown/select instead)
  • When users need to enter completely free-form text without restrictions
  • When all options need to be visible at once for comparison
  • When network latency could significantly delay suggestion results
  • When the input field requires exact, verbatim text entry (like passwords)

Common scenarios and examples

  • Searching for products in an e-commerce catalog
  • Entering city names for travel or weather applications
  • Looking up user or contact names in a messaging or collaboration tool


  • Speeds up data entry by narrowing down possible options in real-time
  • Reduces user frustration and guesswork by guiding them to valid options
  • Minimizes mistakes and typos, as suggestions can be confirmed or chosen from a list


Component Structure

  1. Container
  • Wraps the entire autocomplete area, including the input and dropdown
  • Handles positioning, sizing, and possible floating layers for the suggestions
  1. Input
  • The text field where users type their query
  • Provides real-time updates and triggers suggestion fetching
  1. Label
  • Optional text label describing the input’s purpose
  • Provides clarity for screen readers and visible context for users
  1. Clear Button
  • Allows users to quickly clear the input field
  • Often represented by an “X” or “✕” icon

Best Practices


Do’s ✅

  • Provide a descriptive label that indicates the purpose of the Autocomplete field
  • Use placeholder text to show example input (e.g., “Start typing a country…”)

Don’ts ❌

  • Don’t rely on placeholder text as a replacement for a label
  • Don’t make your suggestions so vague that it’s unclear what the user is selecting

Accessibility & UX

Do’s ✅

  • Use aria-controls, aria-autocomplete, and other relevant ARIA attributes to help screen readers
  • Include a visually hidden label or descriptive text if you rely on an icon-only clear button
  • Add a debounce delay to the input field to avoid triggering a fetch request too often

Don’ts ❌

  • Don’t remove focus outlines without providing alternative focus indicators
  • Don’t assume all users can use a mouse; ensure keyboard navigation works properly

Visual Design

Do’s ✅

  • Keep the suggestion list clearly delineated, with sufficient contrast and spacing
  • Highlight hovered or focused suggestion items with a distinct visual state

Don’ts ❌

  • Don’t display an overly large list of suggestions (limit it to a reasonable number), use a scroll bar to allow users to scroll through the list.
  • Don’t create a cluttered or confusing interface by mixing too many design elements

Layout & Positioning

Do’s ✅

  • Position the dropdown list immediately below the input field
  • Ensure suggestions list appears in front of other page elements when open

Don’ts ❌

  • Don’t hide the list behind overlays or modals
  • Don’t move the dropdown to a completely different area away from the input

Code Examples

Basic Implementation

<!-- Basic Autocomplete Markup --> <div> <label for="autocompleteInput">Search for an option</label> <input type="text" id="autocompleteInput" name="autocompleteInput" aria-autocomplete="list" aria-controls="suggestions-list" autocomplete="off" placeholder="Type to search..." /> <button type="button" aria-label="Clear input">✕</button> <ul id="suggestions-list" role="listbox"> <!-- Dynamically generated suggestions go here --> </ul> </div>

Design Tokens

These design tokens follow the Design Tokens Format specification and can be used with various token transformation tools to generate platform-specific variables.

Autocomplete Tokens in DTF Format

{ "$schema": "", "Autocomplete": { "container": { "borderRadius": { "value": "0.25rem", "type": "dimension" }, "background": { "value": "{color.white}", "type": "color" } }, "input": { "fontSize": { "value": "1rem", "type": "dimension" }, "padding": { "value": "0.5rem", "type": "dimension" } }, "suggestionsList": { "maxHeight": { "value": "200px", "type": "dimension" }, "background": { "value": "{color.gray.50}", "type": "color" }, "itemHoverBg": { "value": "{color.gray.100}", "type": "color" } } } }




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